
Dr. Brian Minavi

To learn more about our Endodontist, read full bio here.

Endodontic Surgical Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

  • Treatment to repair and save a badly damaged, infected or abscessed tooth.

Root Canal Retreatment

  • The procedure of redoing a previously performed root canal. If the previous root canal treatment fails, this is typically the next step in attempting to save the tooth!

Endodontic Microsurgery

  • Assessment of underlying inflamed or infected tissue.


  • Procedure where inflamed gum tissue and the end of the root of the tooth is removed while the top of your tooth is left in place.

Oral Biopsy

  • Oral biopsies allow us to remove potential risks in the mouth, which we then test to ensure non-cancerous tissues.

Root Amputations

  • A specialized procedure where one root is removed from a multi-root tooth, and the tooth is stabilized.

Intentional Replantation

  • Intentional replantation is the deliberate extraction of a tooth, and after evaluation of root surfaces, endodontic manipulation, and repair, the placement of the tooth back into its original socket.

Adjunctive Services

  • Biopure: An antibiotic used in Endodontic procedures that irrigates and protects the treated tooth.
  • Steroid: Used for post-operative sensitivity and pain.
  • Orifice Barrier: A permanent barrier that seals off the Root Canal from the outside environment to prevent future bacterial seepage.

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